Score for one person: A line traveling the world.
reshaping your inner landscape by shaping the outer landscape
The line represents a limitation, what limitation is it then? And if you can redraw this line, does it reshapes your perception of the limitation?
A project to transform limitations.
The line travels from person to person to allow a person to enlarge their awareness around the element ‘limitation’.
The line symbolize a border, a limit and it travels itself, instead of being on a fix place.
A line can divide, defend, define an area, exclude, include, draw…..
You receive a bag of sand from a friend, the sand is from a place familiar to him/her.
You have this bag in your place, think of it from time to time, put it in a visible place, imagine where it could be from. Imagine your friend collecting it.
Start thinking of a place nearby you, that is familiar to you, that has loose sand/earth, so no concreet, street,….
On a certain moment you will go there with the bag.
You will travel with the bag with a purpose, you will draw a straight line that represent a limit,
with the sand.
What are your limitations?
Is there something that you feel that is holding you back.
Is there a limitation in your environment , or on even a bigger scale that is repulsive to you?
You can prepare yourself by allowing this feeling to be present in your mind and in your body. Is there a place in your body that is asking for attention?
Decide if you want to do the experiment on your own. Do you want to film yourself or not? Do you want a witness? Do you want him/ her to film or fotografe you, or not?
When the moment arrives that you get the impuls to go out with the bag, don’t hesitate, just go.
Arrive on the chosen spot. Be present and assimilate the location by looking, feeling, breathing, stepping and making it familiar on your one way.
This is your field. With your attention you energize the field.
Take the bag and pour the sand in the shape of a straight line.
Absorb the new situation.
How do you perceive the line and the new view?
Do you feel an impuls to go in the new field?
Shape by moving
This is your moment, your time, your flow.
Go in it, feel, breath, move, reshape, use all the elements that are there.
The air, time, your body, movement, your emotions, feelings, sounds, your voice, your thoughts, idea’s, impulses…. Maybe other natural elements like branches, stones,…..
Shape and reshape until you are done.
When are you done? You will feel it. Your flow can have several waves. You can go out and step back in, until you feel you are done.
Take distance and overlook
Overlook the new field. The new field outside and inside yourself.
How do you feel, how do you relate to what you have made, to what you went through?
Make an inner picture, from the outside landscape as well from the inside landscape.
Refill the bag
The sand you have made the line with is probably not retraceable. Probably the sand is now mixed with the sand of your soil.
Refill the bag with what is now there. Take it home.
Give the bag
Maybe you have someone in mind from the beginning. Maybe you still wonder who you could surprise with this investigation? Make a choice from your hart.
Give the bag and the link to this score.
Be attentive to changes in your inner landscape
In the coming days and weeks you can remark some changes in your ways to abroad situations that touches you. Particular when you are touched in areas that concern the things you went through in your experiment.
You can feel more strength and decisiveness. You have trained your ability to shape your own field.
You have been in contact with your own flow.
Probably you feel more aware.
Don’t hesitate to contact friends and family to talk about your experiment. This experiment can give you de feeling you need to bound again with your nearest with your renewed inner landscape that is awakened now in mind.
The method
This method of ‘reshaping your inner landscape by shaping the outer landscape’ is based on my experiences with the systemic work of Bert Hellinger and the practice of systemic work in nature by Jawi Bakker.
It is wonderful if you make a report of your experiment. We gather all the experiences in text and pictures with the hashtag: #alinetravelingtheworld
The line represents a limitation, what limitation is it then? And if you can redraw this line, does it reshapes your perception of the limitation?
A project to transform limitations.
The line travels from person to person to allow a person to enlarge their awareness around the element ‘limitation’.
The line symbolize a border, a limit and it travels itself, instead of being on a fix place.
A line can divide, defend, define an area, exclude, include, draw…..
You receive a bag of sand from a friend, the sand is from a place familiar to him/her.
You have this bag in your place, think of it from time to time, put it in a visible place, imagine where it could be from. Imagine your friend collecting it.
Start thinking of a place nearby you, that is familiar to you, that has loose sand/earth, so no concreet, street,….
On a certain moment you will go there with the bag.
You will travel with the bag with a purpose, you will draw a straight line that represent a limit,
with the sand.
What are your limitations?
Is there something that you feel that is holding you back.
Is there a limitation in your environment , or on even a bigger scale that is repulsive to you?
You can prepare yourself by allowing this feeling to be present in your mind and in your body. Is there a place in your body that is asking for attention?
Decide if you want to do the experiment on your own. Do you want to film yourself or not? Do you want a witness? Do you want him/ her to film or fotografe you, or not?
When the moment arrives that you get the impuls to go out with the bag, don’t hesitate, just go.
Arrive on the chosen spot. Be present and assimilate the location by looking, feeling, breathing, stepping and making it familiar on your one way.
This is your field. With your attention you energize the field.
Take the bag and pour the sand in the shape of a straight line.
Absorb the new situation.
How do you perceive the line and the new view?
Do you feel an impuls to go in the new field?
Shape by moving
This is your moment, your time, your flow.
Go in it, feel, breath, move, reshape, use all the elements that are there.
The air, time, your body, movement, your emotions, feelings, sounds, your voice, your thoughts, idea’s, impulses…. Maybe other natural elements like branches, stones,…..
Shape and reshape until you are done.
When are you done? You will feel it. Your flow can have several waves. You can go out and step back in, until you feel you are done.
Take distance and overlook
Overlook the new field. The new field outside and inside yourself.
How do you feel, how do you relate to what you have made, to what you went through?
Make an inner picture, from the outside landscape as well from the inside landscape.
Refill the bag
The sand you have made the line with is probably not retraceable. Probably the sand is now mixed with the sand of your soil.
Refill the bag with what is now there. Take it home.
Give the bag
Maybe you have someone in mind from the beginning. Maybe you still wonder who you could surprise with this investigation? Make a choice from your hart.
Give the bag and the link to this score.
Be attentive to changes in your inner landscape
In the coming days and weeks you can remark some changes in your ways to abroad situations that touches you. Particular when you are touched in areas that concern the things you went through in your experiment.
You can feel more strength and decisiveness. You have trained your ability to shape your own field.
You have been in contact with your own flow.
Probably you feel more aware.
Don’t hesitate to contact friends and family to talk about your experiment. This experiment can give you de feeling you need to bound again with your nearest with your renewed inner landscape that is awakened now in mind.
The method
This method of ‘reshaping your inner landscape by shaping the outer landscape’ is based on my experiences with the systemic work of Bert Hellinger and the practice of systemic work in nature by Jawi Bakker.
It is wonderful if you make a report of your experiment. We gather all the experiences in text and pictures with the hashtag: #alinetravelingtheworld