Applying for the residency that the VUB offers in the field of Biometrics gives me inspiration and a light on maybe getting acces to the kwon how I need to go on with 'the swarm'.
INTIMACY, AN INTERACTION, DIS-COVERED: Here I explain why we are a perfect match. I talk about the theme of intimacy and sense of belonging, how this technology could enhance our awareness of body sensations and the connection with our emotional field.
SOUND FOR AND IN INTERACTION WITH THE OIL RITUAL. In this next part I go on to the theme of making soundscape with and in interaction with The Oil ritual. Making the interaction between movement and sound and the inner field of emotions 'visible' by composing in real time the soundscape for The Oil ritual.
THE SWARM, A HUGHE RITUAL, A MEDITATION IN MOVEMENT, A STATEMENT OF VALUES. Where it all started , my interest in this technology: The swarm, research on the relation between movement, emotion and sound. a highly ambitious project. But I am sure that even investigating a part of it would increase my know how to then go on on a further journey.
LETS TALK! i am very much looking forward to our exchange of longins, desires and knowledge. I can offer my experience in working with groups, guiding through artmaking in group, to play with an audience and include them in the experience. lets talk!